But what do we actually know about the brand and its history? What is myth and what is fact? In our latest podcast Kristian and Nick have discussed 10 Facts about Rolex that you did not know, or maybe you did. Here we go:
Rolex founder Hans Wilsdorf
The 10 facts about Rolex
1) The name of the brand, Rolex, does not come from “hoROLogical EXcellence”, as some myth goes. Instead, founder Hans WIlsdorf just wanted a catchy name that could easily be pronounced all over the world and be recognized. Well? mission accomplished, I would say…
2) The brand has its own stainless steel alloy. Since 1985 904L is an alloy exclusively produced by and for Rolex watches;
3) Rolex has very strict guidelines for how their watches should be positioned at any photo or display. These are: time always at 10 past 10, second hand at 31, date at 28 and (in case of the Day-Date) the day should read “Monday”;
4) Rolex started life in London in the United Kingdom. It was here that Hans Wilsdorf and his co-founder Alfred Davis started in 1905. The company moved to Geneva in 1919;